Saturday, February 12, 2011

Super {Bowl} Sunday

I'm sure most of you know that last weekend was the Super Bowl.


I love the Super Bowl, even when my beloved Broncos are not participating.  Most of all, I love the Super Bowl parties!  This year, J, Lena and I had our own little party on a budget, and celebrated the win of the Green Bay Packers in our own little apartment.

And no homework was accomplished.


We snuggled on the couch and hid from the snowy Denver Day.

No hot wings and nachos for us - a Super Bowl Salad instead.  I got a little creative and crafted this yummy chef salad for our snacking pleasure. 

J did his best to explain the strategy of the game to me.


Notice the tribute to the fallen Denver Broncos.  Here's to next season!

1 comment:

  1. there are many things i miss, but, Super Bowl parties are in the Top 10. Here we get the game, but it's at 8:30 on Monday morning...the times the Broncos were playing, I took the moring off and got together with friends....omolets, coffee, and donuts....not exactly traditional Super Bowl fare, but....still pretty damn good!!!


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