Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Longest Week

Welcome to my cozy little nook, where I am currently sitting with a cup of tea,  
just taking a breather.

This is where I study, pay bills, and keep in touch with important people...but mostly evidenced by the heavy heavy stack of books bowing the shelf above my head.  Last month, I was having a lot of back pain from sitting in one of our garage-sale dining room chairs to study here, in the nook.  My thoughtful and considerate boyfriend took me to Office Depot and let me pick out this super nice and comfortable chair to support my back during my long hours of studying.  And he plays video games in it when I am in class.

I thought this week would never end. 
The schedule of events:
Monday: Pick up patient assignment for Tuesday and start care plan and med cards
Tuesday:  Clinical 0630-1700
Wednesday:  Clinical 0630-1600
Thursday:  Simulation
Friday:  Med/Surg I lecture, final research critique turned in
Saturday:  Pharmacology exam and lecture

But finally, a moment to relax.
The only productive things I accomplished this afternoon were buying milk at the store, and putting up our new tiny Christmas tree.
It's too early, I know.

Tomorrow, I will be back in the groove, studying for the online Med/Surg I online exam that is to be completed sometime over the Thanksgiving "break".  Oh, and I also have two PICO questions due for my research class at the beginning of the week. Does anybody know what that means?

Just when I am starting to feel the stress and count down the days until winter break, some motivation for sucking it up and getting myself through this thing called nursing school:  On Tuesday, AOL compiled a list of the Top 10 Most Secure Jobs in 2011 from U.S. Department of Labor Statistics.  Nursing was number one.  Thanks to my friend Jennifer for sharing this with me, and thanks to my friend Jessami (who is a nurse) for summing it up by saying:

"Isn't it great to know that when you are finally done...someone will ALWAYS need you!"

1 comment:

  1. In Japanese, we say to people "otsukaresamadeshita" after they do something that took some when people are leaving work...or when class is finished...or even as we are hanging up the phone. the literal translation of this is "thank you for working so hard"....and really, today, after reading your post...that is what I am truly saying to you....thank you Karee, for working so hard...thank you for studying to be the best you (and we!!) know you can be...
    you have such a kind and gentle heart and the fact that you chose nursing isn't really surprising to me at all.
    and really....nurses...and teachers....two people you will always need in your life.
    how lucky for us, huh?


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