Friday, November 12, 2010

Putting Theory Into Practice

Phew! Three weeks into Med/Surg I, our little group of six nursing students has completed three full days at the hospital in our first real clinical rotation.  Although much of these three days were taken up by computer and EMR training, tours, and an introduction to care plans, we did have some actual patient contact.  It's so exciting to be able to apply concepts we have learned to real life!

So far, the doctors, nurses, CNAs, and other health professionals on the floor have been very tolerant of us, and even incredibly helpful!  As much as we try not to interrupt their normal flow and function, I can only imagine how distracting we are with all our questions and curiosity as we follow our clinical instructor around in  our black student scrubs like baby ducks.  One of the other students joked about us being like an "atherosclerotic plaque" clogging up the hallways of the unit.  HA! Nursing school humor...

Though I feel terribly inept and spend most of my time trying just to stay out of the way, I am enjoying my clinical experience very much.  I was so excited to administer medications to a real patient!  I got to flush a PICC line, give two subcutaneous injections, hang IV meds and pass oral medications.  It was not nearly as scary as my medication CPE made it seem!  

I had the nicest patient both days this week, and was honored to hear from her and her husband that they would miss me after my clinical days were over for the week.  I appreciated very much hearing that they thought I was going to make a great nurse.  That is the sweetest compliment!  And the greatest motivation and encouragement to keep plugging along in this journey called nursing school.

1 comment:

  1. some people prefer school and some do clinical experience. which of them would you like to take care of you?


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