Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Blog Ever!

In the process of designing my new blog, I asked myself more than once why anyone would want to read whatever I write here.  The purpose of this blog is to be a record of my journey and the lessons gathered from my latest challenge - nursing school, as well as being a self-discovery tool as I am at the point in my life where some crucial decisions will have to be made.  I think that I am not alone in these processes and challenges, and therefore might have someone with which to share my experiences, or with at least to commiserate.

So anyway, here are my random ramblings.

So long, be well.


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging!! I have found that it is also a life-saver of sorts. It is here to help me organize my thoughts and what's going on. The people you will meet in the blogging world will become some of the best friends you will have!!!
    I'm proud to be your first follower!!!

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