Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Time MISmanagement

As I have probably mentioned in earlier posts, I have very poor time-management skills.  It's not because I haven't been educated on the subject, it is simply because I am easily distracted and if there is something slightly more interesting than the task at hand, I WILL PROCRASTINATE!  There are a myriad of things that occupy my attention ahead of learning classes of antibiotics (e.g. the cooking channel, my various crafts and creative projects, my FACEBOOK addiction...)  Then there are two "things" that can occupy more time than any of these. One you have already met, and that is my Faithful Fluffy Friend, Lena, who insists on being outside every two hours while I am awake.  The other is this guy.

Luckily for me and my time management, he has been in the mountains hunting elk for the last week.  I had weekly exams in both Fundamentals and Pharmacology, then Thursday I have a pass/fail medication administration practical exam.  STRESSFUL!  It has been much easier to study with him out of the apartment for a few days, as he can be quite entertaining and therefore distracting when he is here.

I do miss him though.


  1. Procrastination is my middle name. really. it is. i've always thought that i did my best work under the pressure of whatever deadline looming on the horizon.
    and crafting? holy hell. i am a craft-hopper...i just wish i could find one that i really and truly want to do!!
    and...that guy? yeah...he's kind of cute...i hope to meet him someday!!
    have a good one!!

  2. I love to paint, and play the piano, and play the guitar, and knit and crochet, and quilt, and make cards...there just isn't enough time in the day! And, btw people need to stop having babies until I can catch up with all the gifts!

  3. And I also hope you get to meet him someday D!


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